
Donate towards our cause to help us to keep doing what we do

Sponsor a beast

Sponsor a Beast Monthly we have expenses to care for our beasts which includes Accommodation per beast that covers our Rent, Food and Tick & Flea Treatment As you may or may not know we do not receive any government funding thus we solely rely on donations from the public to look after the rescue beasts in our care by providing them with shelter, food and tick & flea treatment to prevent illness' that could arise from tick bites or flea infestations.


Our rent works out to R500 per beast Our Flea Treatment costs R150 per beast and this is a monthly treatment. We have also get our dog food at great prices and it costs R350 per 20kg Total of R1000 per beast per month.  


Please help us by sponsoring a beast for a total of R1000 per beast per month. If anyone can contribute even if it is just partially towards our overall expenses it will be greatly appreciated. We need you to help us to help them.


Donations can be made via EFT or Paypal

EFT: Majestic Beast NPC

FNB 250655



Reference: Name & Beast Name









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